Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day Twenty five

Tuesday 02/01/2011

I am up at 7:30 to the first sounds of the morning(insert sarcasm).  However, instead of going to bed I start on the list of things that I need to get done.  I am feeling pretty rested in a long long time.  I slept well throughout the night.  Thank you neighbor:)
I paint the second coat of cream (blech) on my door to cover the beautiful burnt red that was on there prior to this color.  I am rather sad but thats okay...rules are rules.  I am excited so far how things are falling into place.  I complete another load of laundry and start folding the laundry after making my bed.  However, I get sidetracked and move on to something else.  A lot of tasks have been accomplished and it is not 10:00 yet, however, I feel as if it is almost noon.  By the time I get to work I feel it is time to go home:)
I want to come home tonight and just relax.  However, in the deep recesses of mind I have a feeling that it might not be so.  This happens to me on a regular basis.  But I succumb to it and make the most of the impromptu opportunities not only for the myriad of chances of meeting new people but most definitely want to do as much as I can before the "deadline".
Work is rather fun and jovial...and I am feeling pretty good.  I have this gnawing sensation eating me up everday about my weight and I know if it bothers me this much I should do something about it.  Why do I need to look for motivation when the amazing boost to my self-esteem should be the only motivation I should need.  Anyway, I had a really good eating day on Monday and not so eating day today.  But, I want to tell myself that I must not stress about this and accept my body the way it is.  I take a co-workers word and try this Cuban sandwich so so disappointed.  Note to self...never again.   My stomach feels terrible.  This is what happens when you eat food that is not good for  The cream filled napolean is deeply disappointing as well....blech but I eat it anyway. deep desire to fill my belly.
It is already time to go home and I make plans to meetup with Ray tonight.  We decide on some place in Thornton Park.  I dress up cute and head out to meet up.  We dine at this nice little joint and then he invites me to come with him to meet up with his bowling league.  I agree and then the night just goes from one tangent to another.  This is always the case when I hang out with Ray.  Things are so unpredictable but so much fun!~!!!  I have tons of fun laughing it up and after 3 drinks in my system I am full of joyful bantor.  Right then plans are made to extend the night of fun after we leave from there at 11:00.  We head out to this little private club and it is a whole different world in there.  It is almost as if I have entered another dimension.  The night is full of fun and laughter and great times.  We roll out of there and head to breakfast.  I have to keep reminding myself that it is only Tuesday and the promise of a workday beckons early on.  I have a blast and I have had a great time and I am all smiles all the way to my bed...make up and all...oh my:)

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