Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day Twenty six

Wednesday 02/03/2011,

I have blacked out in  I wake up in two hours feeling the initial poundings of a headache...o dear.  Debate in my head...continue sleeping or wake up and take two Aleve and drink some water to prevent a day of regret.  The signs of copious alcohol consumption are definitely going to surface with a vengeance and I need to nip it in the bud.  So, I get up and do just that.  I go to bed and and am up at 7:00 thanks to my neighbors but sleep has overtaken the noisy interruption and I go back to bed.  I wake up startled at 8:00 and coax myself to sleep in till 08:30.  Of course when that happens...I wake up every 5 mins. to check on the time and realising that that is a crazy way to sleep in...I jump out of bed at 8:35.  I stretch and clock in to work,starting whatever processes are needed and start completing tasks in robot mode.  If I put any thought to how tired I am I will crash.  So mindnumbing activities are in order.  All the laundry is folded and put away, trash gathered, bed made, dishes arranged, bedroom tidied up and the living room is coming together.  Phew!!!  I realise I only have ten minutes to make it to work...oh boy...I hurry up and pull a quick shower/brush combo and rush out.  Oops did not take out the trash! 
The day at work is pretty quiet as the boys are in Miami for a conference. 
I want to come home tonight and just cook and stay in.  This time I am sticking to my guns....hee hee:)  I am so exhausted today...I need to prep for Stone who is coming to pick up the cake tommorrow.  I get the cake ready - automatically I am transported to another dimesion when I am in my kitchen.  I look out into my living room and am filled with serenity, contentment and peace.  Cake is ready.  The house is still not upto date as I would like it but it will do.  I am not necessarily excited or the opposite...depends on how you look at it.  I have not given an extra effort to Stones arrival.  I am definitely stoked to see him but am not going to any lengths.  I love this new feeling.  I chat some with my best friend and call it a night and I am out:)

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