Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day Twenty Three

Sunday 01/30/2011

I wake up to loud noises and am actually glad that I am up.  I am up at 8.  My b/f and I have decided to meet up at the downtown farmers market for breakfast.  I have a list of to-dos for this morning but I don't think I am going to be able to get to those and make it to the market on time.  What I am going to do is have a cup of coffee and then jump in the shower.  I get ready...get my things and head out the door.  We meet up at the dwntown farmers market and catch up on the previous days events and get upto date with the details of her date and my party adventures.  Although I must say I love love love seeing her so light on her feet and happy.  I really hope they get to proceed to date #2 pretty soon.  He has so far been worthy of my praise.  Good job guy!!!
We peruse through the fares of the market and stroll around looking for a breakfast place.  Lo behold we get there and Ray still works there.  We share tons of laughs and the three of us are having tons of fun.  We enjoy a delicious breakfast amongst pieces of conversations, crazy jokes and more conversation.  It is just such an easy and fun time.  I love it.  I am so lucky to have met this truly amazing friend and the wait till now has been so so so worth it.  I have never had a friend I can call my own.  It feels great.  I dont want to recall growing up experiences but the cruelty kids make you endure does stick with you for a long time.  Well lets just say I am dumping my demons and feel light as a butterfly.  This journey in my life especially in my 30s has been completely mind blowing.  After breakfast Ray wants to meetup sometime this week.  I am so happy that Cynthia and Ray click.  I make a mental note to check up with Ray on Tuesday about this drs. appt. 
We walk around some more and then head to our cars.  My b/f is so so happy and I really hope the guy treats her well. 
I head out to see my Parents and Sisters and spend the rest of the day with them.  My youngest sisters friend is spending the night as her Mother is out of town.  The rest of the day is spent doing absolutely nothing.  Also my birthday present from my youngest sister has very own copy of Kardashian Konfidential!!!!! I am so so so excited.  We are huge fans!!!  I cant wait to see what tonights episode has in store for us while muching on my sisters famous nachos.  The night is coming to a close and I await the first rays of tommorrow morning:)

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