Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day Eighteen

Happy Monday beautiful world,

Oh my gosh I have overslept.  I login to work and brew my coffee.  A part if me is hoping to hear from Antonio...well an apology would be nice.  And a bigh part of me is hoping I never hear from him.  So when I do not hear from him at all I am a little dejected but so so very happy because I do not need a man in my life who does not know how to respect a woman.  There is no pep in my step today, my house is a mess...I am just feeling irritated.  I dont have that spunk that I so desperately need to absolutely relish each day leading upto my deadline.  Anyway, I get to work.  I dont hear from Antonio and completely write him off...well almost.  Ugh so disappointing.  A part of me thinks he is ashamed of his actions and is not texting because he does not know what to say and is simply embarrassed.  Oh well...he should be embarrassed.  I do get a nice message from Johns g/f saying that she really enjoyed meeting me and that we should hangout again with the boys(John and Antonio).  I write back something really nice to her but do not touch on the topic of meeting up with the boys.  I go home and go to dinner with a friend and come home.  I get ready to go the gym.  I am getting ready to turn to enter the parking lot at the gym and get pulled over.  I know for sure that I was not speeding.  He ran a quick check and drove off.  So weird!  I workout and then proceed to cancel my gym membership.  I stop by at my parents and eat dinner with my Sisters  I then head home and just fall on my couch and lay there till midnight.  I should have gone to bed earlier because I was really tired.  I head to bed knowing that tomorrow is going to be one of those days that I am running late...:)  Goodnight world:)  I need to go to Borders as much as I can (a mental note:))

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