Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day Nineteen

I am really not feeling it this morning either.  What is going on???  I gotta snap out of this funk pretty quickly otherwise knowing myself I am going to regret these wasted opportunities/moments.  I dont want to get out of bed, my home is a mess mess mess.  I look around and am just frustrated.  I make a mental note to clean.  I hurry up and take a shower after logging in and starting a few tasks.  I drink my coffee, pray and head out the door.  I get to work and work till its time to go home.  Our CEO walks by the I/T cubicle where I am having my lunch and starts working on his key to replace the battery.  I let him know that I have the same problem and he goes ahead and fixes my key as well.  So sweet!!!  I ask him what I owe him and I owe him $5 vs. the dealer that would have charged me $50.  I am always thankful for these littles treats that work their way into my day.  I am thankful for least I try to be.  Today is going to be a great day.  Had some fun laughs with my co-workers and the day has been pretty fun.
I make a mental note of heading home before the big tornado is supposed to hit.  I stop by the local grocery store and pick up some of their yummy chicken and head home.  I am not going to the gym tonight.  I get home and cook some brown rice to go with my chicken and with a little hot sauce I set down to eat my meal and watch a movie.  At this point the storm has gathered with all its fury and comes crashing down in torrents.  I hope people on the roads are safe.  I have kept my main door open and closed in the screen door.  I watch the rainfall and love the sounds.  I wish this room was clean as it is a real distraction.  I love my meal and continue to watch the movie.  I would like to enjoy a cup of coffee and watch the rain but decide against the coffee...because I might stay up all night.  I have also noticed on more than one occassion how the accumulation of "stuff" all over my house affects my mood.  If everything is in its place I am so happy and if things are in disarray I am just irritated.  Feng Shui???
Anyways, against my moral mental debate I plop back on my couch and have a compelling need to check my FB page...eventhough I just checked about half an hour ago.  What could have possibly changed?  A lingering feeling in my heart coaxes me to do so hoping that my "friend" is online.  As the online friends list pops up my heart skips a beat.  He is indeed online.  No sooner do I recoil from this excitement he starts chatting with me online.  I am so so happy.  I have missed him.  He is my soulmate...well I think so...akin to me in a way no man has ever been.  I can tell him anything.  I have never ever been able to have this kind of relationship with a man before.  We could be apart for years and when we do talk it is as if no time has passed between us.  I have not seen him for 2 years...partly because he has been serving and partly because of an exchange of words between us.  So, we start talking and the discussion gets pretty heavy.  I excuse myself to use the restroom because i really have to and when i return he has completely changed the conversation.  I do realise later that I should have coaxed him to continue.  Knowing him He probably took that as a hint that I did not want to have "the" conversation with him.  Well, I am just so happy to talk to him, I lose track of time.  I have known this man for four years and he still has this effect on me.  He needs me to make him my pineapple cake so he can come pick it up and take it to work.  I love that about him.  Everytime he starts a new job he makes sure to always order a cake from me to take it to his co-workers.  Lol:)  I am still giddy as I am entering this very sentence on my blog:)  I have been thinking of him all day.  I know I might never be the love of his life but to me he is always going to be that man that takes my breath away every time I see him.  I will always love him:)  I am so happy to have known this feeling.  So many people live through life never experiencing this.  I am glad I did.  It is just a beautiful feeling.  My night is lovely:)  Good night world...I know that I am going to think about him everyday anticipating the time we get to see each other...a mental note to myself...clean this house a.s.a.p. and get on that cake pronto!!!  Haha goodnight world:)

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