Monday, January 10, 2011

Day Three

It is saturday...I would love nothing more than to sleep in.  Cannot do so as my downstairs neighbors loud yells slice
through my slumber.  Fret not I say to myself...I get out of bed and make a mental note to get some ear plugs asap.  I have
not been able to sleep in ever since the day she has moved in.  She has confronted me to ask me if I hear yells and after
my affirmation of such...she blames the yelling on her overactive boys.  Really????  Lady...You have serious anger issues! 
She spends her mornings yelling at her kids.  Anyway...will not give her credit by taking up space on my blog. 
So I have decided to take care of all pending issues within my 60 day timeframe.  One setback to my handyman
cannot make it today...why? despite our appointment he has to take care of an emergency...a pipe this throws back
my household fixes another week...ugh.  No getting my household chores done.  Have some returns to make at the
store and fill up my pantry for the time when I will be spending a lot of time at home.  Albeit it is rather soothing.  I
call my best friend and we decide to have lunch in my neck of the woods and then come home for some coffee and wonderful
heartwarming conversation.  She knows everything about me apart from my sisters.  She is truly a gift to my soul.  I can
speak to her about anything that is on my mind without any hesitation or fear of being judged or ridiculed.  You constantly
feed my soul in epic ways.  We meet up and lets just say...our conversations are in tangents because we try to fit in three
or more topics in one  We have a lovely lunch and a window shopping walk at the village before we head
to my home for some coffee and tons of goofy laughs.  In her eyes my setback is miniscule in the bigger scheme of things
and now I am able to see it as such.  Our conversations are innate and wonderful.  It is almost like travelling the world
through someone elses eyes...a journey that is deep and meaningful and when you reflect on it it spiritually lifts you.  So
I dont know what my purpose in life is, but I do know this that the end result is going to be sweet like the nectar of the
Gods.  She leaves and I am left with a feeling of contentment...just sheer contentment.  I go to bed knowing that things
cannot be really that bad and it is going to workout in the end.  I am going to look back at today and smile on the inside
because my trials and tribulations and my close knit support circle would be absolutely untradeable for

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