Monday, January 10, 2011

Day One

Oh I remember it so vividly...freedom slowly slipping from my fingers.  I know how it feels.  I am numb.  They have
stripped me and left me bare.  So vulnerable and exposed.  Am I hurt...of course!!!  Am I feeling betrayed...absolutely!!! 
Am I going to give freaking way!!!
After that initial humiliation...My Sisters treated me to breakfast to soften the blow.  Oh gosh I love them so much.  My
Mom calls me and wants an update...I dont tell her until She gets out of work.  Bless her heart...She is so upset.  But I
tell it is going to be alright.  My Sisters and I come home and get back to the day.  I feel a huge burden off my
shoulders...I feel relieved almost.  My basic right to drive my car has been taken away from Me today...why because mere
human beings decide to overule Gods mighty will.  However in the end God prevails always.
I dont know how to think right now or what to do.  I do make as many phone calls to whomever I can in order to resolve this get back this small particle of freedom in this country of the free and the brave.
My sisters leave for their hair appt. and I continue doing some work.  Alicia calls me and asks me if She could come over. 
I love the moral support and the support system that helps me stay focused.  We have a lovely wing filled with salad,
wings, tea and wonderful conversation.  I take Her home and my sister calls me over for subs and baked beans.  As always I
leave my parents home well fed...not only my tummy but my soul.  We share crazy laughs over watching Jersey Shores and as I
drive home...reality is still lingering in the back of mind.  But I know one thing for sure I am going to make each day
count.  This is all part of the bigger pic right(If you are reading this for this awakening thought that has
filled my day now:) and I love You with all my heart).
I go to bed knowing it is going to working out great in the end.

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