Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day Sixteen

I wake up so refreshed and relaxed.  Aaah the beauty of slumber in all its glory.  I sleep so so well.  I wake up and go back to sleep and this goes on about three times and then I finally wake up around 10 or so.  My friend is still sleeping and her husband is working from home.  He goes and wakes her up.  She gets up and makes Indian tea while I fix her husbands computer issue.  It seems like a pretty quick fix.  And voila his computer is fixed and he is able to get back to work.  He is like a kid in a candy  And I am left with a really nice feeling of accomplishment.  I am munching on some muffins while tea and breakfast are taken care of.  We enjoy a traditional breakfast of steamed rice cakes and tea.  In mid breakfast the conversation gets a little heated.  Mind you she is a therapist in training and feels the need to analyse me and I dont think she realises she is doing that.  She throws off a lot of negative energy...more like a tone of judgement and negation.  So at this point I had to put my foot down and express my opinion.  She felt really offended and instantly changed her tone getting very defensive at the same time.  I did not want that to be the tone of the rest of my made peace pretty quickly because I was leaving in a couple of hours.  A while later we had a light lunch...Indian style thai noodles.  I must say she is pretty resourceful in creating quick meals that taste good.  Also because her husband being Pakistani will not eat bland 
We chit chat some more and her husband cant thank me enough for fixing his computer...I am so happy right now...also because I get to go back to Orlando.  And I get a text from my best friend...I am all smiles.  As I am getting ready to drive to Orlando I get a text for Antonio and we are deciding what to do tonight.  I figured I would like to give this guy a chance as he has been persuasive not in a creepy sort of way and I do like him a little bit...maybe more than a little  So now I have a pep in my step for the rest of the day.
On my way back to Orlando, I make a mental note of tonights outfit and plan out hair and other details in my head. lol:)  Oh and will need to redo my nails.  So I get to Orlando and pass by Whole foods a U-turn and go in.  I get some goodies and head out to my Parents home.  I hang out with my sisters and their friend who is spending the night.  I get ready after realising that all my key things are in my car and will not need to go home at all.  My Sister does my nails and I am supposed to meet Antonio at this really cool hangout spot at midnight after he gets out of work.  His friend texted me to let me know that him and his girlfriend are already there.  So I head out to meet them and wait for Antonio with them.  After paying my way in...I find John and his girlfriend and sit down to talk to them.  I dont get a drink because I want to wait for Antonio.  Antonio gets there...oh gosh I feel like I have waited for ages...I guess I do really like him:)))  My heart skips a beat. We have been sitting indoors and watching people dancing to salsa, merengue and bachata.  Antonio suggests we go sit outside...its super cold but they have warmers so its cool.  We sit out and Antonio gets us drinks.  We take pictures posing for this photographer.  Mental note...I need to check out the website to see our pics for that night.  We share some laughs and then go in to dance.  I am really enjoying my time with Antonio.  Time passes so quickly and I did not want the night to end.  Anyway so after last call...we decide to step out and listen to the band playing outside for a little bit before heading our separate ways.  At this point I am hoping to get a goodnight kiss.  On our way out John invites me to their home...(the three of them are roommates) to hangout.  A part of me does not want to and a big part of me wants to.  I have been there before and we have had fun.  So I go and John suggests that I leave my car there and then Antonio can just drop me off.  So I ride with Antonio to their home.  We have a really lovely conversation as we drive to his home.  I want to kiss him.  We get to his house and sit down with our water bottles and sit down to play Uno.  It is so much fun but in the midst of it all, John and his girlfriend/roommate cannot keep their hands off each other.  Awkward!!!!  It is really really awkward.  So after a fun game of UNO they head off to the bedroom and Antonio and I head to his room to watch a movie.  In the deep recesses of my mind I am hoping he is a real gentleman.  Anyways things do not turn out exactly how they did in my mind and lets just say I was really upset by his actions.  I wanted to go home but my car was parked at the club.  I prayed for the morning to come quickly and wanted to cry.  I dont understand how someone can appear to be a gentleman yet act the complete opposite.  It is rightful to say that actions do speak louder than words.

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