Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day Five

I wake up refreshed...a small infraction in my sleep thank to my neighbor wakes me up earlier than I would like.  My coffee has yet again managed to perk me up. 
The lingering feeling of freedom slipping from my fingers is still here in the back of my mind.  But at the same time I
want to take care of all things that have been pending on my to do list.  This way I can create my retreat.  Just got off
the phone with the construction company because my tires are shot.  I live in the center of a construction zone and this is
going to be the third time that I am going to have to replace my tires.  So they were pretty helpful but need tons of
proof, pictures, receipts etc.  I am home from work and just the welcome feeling I get when entering my home is pure bliss.
 A bowl of cereal and then I am going to tackle my craftroom.  Everything needs to be in its place and I want to finish all
my unfinished tasks in 60 days.  A nice little game of pogo scrabble and then I am going to tackle my room. So I am trying to find discount codes for eharmony and will not pay more than $10 a month.  I would like to go to bed early tonight so after making a lovely dinner of pasta and vodka sauce...I watch a lovely movie.  As I am getting ready to go to bed I get this text from Antonio...lovely guy that I met through a friend.  Asks me to join him and his roomates for a night of movie watching and card games.  I would love to go but I have a prior commitment of going to bunco with my sisters mom-in-law.  I would have cancelled and gone with Antonio but staying true to my new years resolution of staying true to my commitments I am going to go to bunco.  However, he does not take no for an answer and says that movie night will not commence till 11 so we shall see.  After that I went to bed with a smile on my face....:)  Good night world:)

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