Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Eleven

Good morning world,

I am up and ready to join my family to go the temple.  I am excited because I get to go to temple on my birthday weekend.  I havent been to the temple in a long time and I am really looking forward to it.  After a minor disagreement with Mother the rest of the temple trip is pretty nice and enlightening.  I feel content to have these moments...well not this particular one because I am just frustrated.  But that is happens.  We get to the temple and it is such a peaceful atmosphere.  It is calm and serene.  I just wish they would keep the temple neat.  It is cluttered with stuff.  Just a thought. 
We head to the temple cafeteria and we eat our meals...yummy plethora of dosa, idli, mango lassi and bundi laddoo.  Oh my gosh so so so good.  I had texted my b/f at this point where I was because I was going over to her house for a sleepover....:))))))))
We are then homeward bound and I am just happy to have spent the day with my family.  We get home, change and Pinky, Shruti and I head to Michaels.  A hankering for some icecream and we head to Coldstone Creamery with my sisters.  My sisters love ice cream...not me...just thought I'd mention  We pass by the fair on our way home...a little fair that has congregated in the parking lot of our mall.  We get there and most definitely looked good from far.  We spent $20 on cotton candy, a frozen ice and a ferris wheel ride....a truly blatant waste.  The ferris wheel was good but then we just decided to leave...because it was not what we perceived for it to be. 
We get home and I leave for my friends home from there.  As I am driving away...I miss my sisters...:/  I know I am a big dork.  I get to my friends home and I am greeted with love and smiles.  It is going to be a great night.  We talk and leave her younger sister to write her paper and have heartfelt conversations in the living room over yummy snacks and coffee.  It feels so so so good.  She always makes my heart smile and I can just pour out my thoughts to her in any random fashion.  Also I get this lovely bday card from her that made my heart smile from cheek to cheek...hee hee.
We then decide to go to the Korean restaurant by her house and that is where her crush works as well.  An awkward incident has left the situation lets just say in mid-air full of unknowns at this point.  But we get there and the situation turns out to be in our advantage...the night is full of laughter, playful banter, and tons of fun...phew!!!  I am so happy for her at this point.  Enough to suffice at this point and say that our lovely foreigner has completely and whole heartedly "Woo-ed" her....!!!!!  We just cant seemed to get enough of it and laugh about it all the way home.
We get home full of smiles...we are having just a wonderful girl time...o is just lovely.   She bakes her yummy gingerbread cake...we watch "My big fat greek wedding"....while eating cake and drinking tea after which we go to bed.  I am suddenly really tired. 
We wake up to the sound of looks lovely outside.  We talk over coffee and a quaint breakfast and the rest of our day just flows harmoniously.  I then head out around 4ish...towards my parents home.  I have had a great great great time...!!!!
I arrive at mi parents sister is sick...poor thing...she looks miserable.  She is laying on the couch and my other sister and her boyfriend are lounging on the couch.  I am just so so happy to see them.  My Mom just gets home from work and I love her.  The discussion I had a little while ago with my best friend in regards to my Mother just re-instated at this point how much I love her...!  I make some tea for us and then She heads on into the kitchen to cook tonights dinner.  I watch her cook and help her out some.  I then make chappatis and ask her to just not do anything.  She mentions how its been a while since She has had chappatis as She has made parathas everyday to save time and She is just too exhausted after work.  Chappatis are thin Indian breads and take way longer to make than Parathas which are thicker breads and take less time to prepare.  So, I have offered to make her chappatis on the weekends.  She is my Mom...a beautiful soul that has raised me without any care for herself...the least I can do is do something little to make her smile.  I never want to do anything to disappoint her...ever! 
We have a lovely dinner of spinach curry, lentil rice and chappatis with yogurt soup.  This is one of my favorite Mom just has this amazing magic touch to make a meal well, simple magnificent.  With our bellies full...we clean up and then settle down to watch some t.v.  We wait on my younger sister who left with her boyfriend to have dinner with his parents.  We then proceed to watch Jersey Shore more so for entertaining purposes than to feed the nimble mind.  Good  I then head out to go home...amid hugs and good night wishes.  Bittersweet because I miss my family...happy because life is good:)  Good night world...may the infinite sky shower all of us with infinite blessings....:)

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