Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day Six

This morning I have decided to not focus on my impending problems but to focus elsewhere.  I have always wanted to volunteer at the coalition so in my 60 days...well 54 now...I need to take care of that and be able to squeeze in as much volunteer time as I can.  I also need to take care of a care package and today that will be sole goal.  Working out details of this care package...I am super excited and thrilled!!! I will continue this blog later during the day...:)
Workings of the work day were great...protected myself from getting thrown under the bus...and made some enemies on the way.
Got home after stop at the store for some last minute supplies for my cookie order due on Friday.  Ran a major mishap with my recipe and almost caused a house fire.  My Mom always tells us to check the oven before turning it on...I had a tray with a rubber base in the oven and I forgot to remove it before turning on the oven.  Long story short as I am rolling the dough tiny flakes of soot are dropping from the ceiling.  At first I thought it was the light in my kitchen smoking up and then I notice smoke coming out of the oven.  And upon opening the oven door discover flames in my oven.  After putting the fire out...I continue onto the cookies and think to myself...maybe baking is not my fortei!!! And I am okay with that.  I love entertaining and cooking for my loved ones and I am going to stick to that for now.
I head off to the gym...have a great 60 min. workout and then head off to my friends house to set up her wireless printer.  I love her...She has her moments but deep down she is a really kind person.  She makes sure to feed my belly every time I am there.  We chat about my failed relationships and tons of girlie topics.  After which we head out to the kitchen where I need to work out some kinks on her laptop.  And there is this cute giftbag with my name on it.  I am like a little kid and She gives me my birthday present.  I am so emotionally overwhelmed.  I love my present.  I get this yummy pumpkin candle and this fantastic 10pc. gumpaste tool set!!!!!! What???  I jump her because I am so excited!!!
And then her son comes home...He has this huge crush on me...mind you he is 20 and I am almost twice his age.  His Mom of course has made comments in the past...so she notices that too...and is not too thrilled about it.  I can understand that...I would feel the same way if my son wanted to have a relationship with someone who could possibly be his mom.  Anyway, he is relentless and of course I am flattered because he is a sweetheart and I have made it very clear to him that he needs to not continue this behaviour.  He is on this personal mission to prove to himself that he can make any girl fall for him...uh the unblinded confidence of youth and then real life will happen...o boy will it. 
I go to bed with a faint feeling that everything is going to be okay...as I see glimpses of people I love...and also knowing that I am going to have a night of uninterrupted slumber....:)  I have truly utilized my day to the fullest...:)


  1. One comment for all the days! :) My feelings were all over the place while reading your blog. Your writing made me laugh, and sometimes I could feel a tiny knot in my throat…only because I know you and I knew what you meant when you were obviously trying to be evasive! I love you and I thank God for you. So, I also had an idea…I think we should have a sleep over ASAP so that you can SLEEP IN FINALLY!

  2. thank you luv...this is definitely therapy at its best. Verbal plethora in action....lol:) OMG!!! sleepover/s sound fantastic!!! and yes I get to sleep in!!!

  3. So I read the rest of your post and it seems that THOSE fire extinguishers came in handy, hugh? lol Funny we were just laughing about them! ;)

  4. o man ... it was so funny...even in the catastrophic moment I did think about your similar incident and had to laugh as well...it was funny more than scary...well scary at first...hee hee:)
